Legislature 2013-2019

The seventh election was held on Saturday 9th March 2013 in which 89% of the population cast their vote. Twelve candidates contested this election and the elected Councillors were Dr. Dean Hili, RaymondLanzon and Mark Causon for the Labour Party and Evelyn Vella Brincatand Charles Cesare for the Nationalist Party. The seventh Council'sterm of office is for four years and Dr. Dean Hili was elected Mayor and Raymond Lanzon was elected Deputy Mayor. Department of Information – Electoral Commission Official Result

Désirée Vella Brincat was co-opted in 2018 following the loss of Evelyn Vella Brincat.

Legislature 2008-2013

The sixth election was held on Saturday 8th March 2008 in which 89%of the population cast their vote. Eight candidates contested this election and the elected Councillors were Joe Zammit, Alfred Mazzitelliand Joseph Brincat for the Malta Labour Party and Lauro Fava and Evelyn Vella Brincat for the Nationalist Party. The sixth Council's term of office is for three years and Joe Zammit was elected Mayor and AlfredMazzitelli was elected Deputy Mayor. Department of Information – Electoral Commission Official Result

Legislature 2005-2008

The Fifth election took place on Saturday 12 March 2005 where 68% of the population voted and challenged ten candidates. They were elected Joseph Retainit, Raymond Mizzi and Alfred Mazzitelli on behalf of the Labour Party and Ray Pace and Evelyn Vella Brincat on behalf of the Nationalist Party.

The new Councillors took the Oath of office on Tuesday 29 March 2005 for a period of three years and at the first Council meeting held on Wednesday 7th April 2005, Joseph Keep was appointed Mayor while Raymond Mizzi was appointed Deputy Mayor.

Legislature 2002-2005

The fourth election was held on Saturday 9th March 2002 in which 75%of the population cast their vote. Nine candidates contested this election and the elected Councillors were Joe Zammit, Alfred Mazzitelliand Carmel Bezzina for the Malta Labour Party and Ray Pace and France Galea for the Nationalist Party. The fourth Council's term of office is for three years and Joe Zammit was elected Mayor and CarmelBezzina was elected Deputy Mayor. 

Charles Theuma joined as a member of the Council later when Franco Galea was elected to Parliament.

Legislature 1999-2002

The Third election took place on Saturday 19 March 1999, where 68% of the population voted and challenge twelve candidates. Paul J Baldacchino was elected on behalf of the Resident Union; Carmela Attard and Joseph Held for the Labour Party and Pierre Cordina w Ray Pace for the Nationalist Party.

The new Councillors took the Oath of office on Monday 5th April 1999 for a three-year period and Joseph Keptit was appointed Mayor while Carmela Attard was appointed Deputy Mayor for a period of three months. Later Paul J Baldacchino was later appointed Deputy Mayor.


Legislature 1996-1999

The second election took place on Saturday 9th March 1996 in which70% of the population cast their vote. Seven candidates stood for the election and the elected Councillors were Paul J. Baldacchino, Gerald V.Bilocca, Gino Cauchi and Mark Fenech Laudi as Independent candidates and Ray Pace for the Nationalist Party. The new Councillors took their oath of office on Thursday 28th March 1996 and the Council's term of office was for three years. Gino Cauchi was elected Mayor.

Councillor Mark Fenech Laudi was not present because he was abroad.


Legislature 1994-1996

By virtue of the Local Councils Act (1993), Pembroke was one of the sixty-seven localities to have its own Local Council. The first election was held on Saturday 19th March 1994. Twelve candidates contested the five seats available and 78.10% of the population cast their vote. TheCouncillors elected were Gerald V. Bilocca, Joseph Demicoli and JosephZammit as Independent candidates, Mark Causon for AlternattivaDemokratika and Ray Pace for the Nationalist Party. The Councilmembers took their Oath of Office on Tuesday 5th April 1994 and the council's term of office was for two years. During the first council meeting held on Wednesday 6th April 1994, Joseph Demicoli was elected as Pembroke's first Mayor.